Ever wondered how many people have group health insurance sponsored by an employer? Around 49% of Americans fall into this category, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The U.S. state with the highest number of people covered by employer health insurance is California, at about 47% of the population. Not far behind is Florida, where about 8.1 million people – or 40% of the population – are covered this way. Other leading states include Texas, Illinois, and New York.
For lots of people, employee health insurance meets their needs. However, there are also many who are not well served by their current employer’s health care plan. Some companies may offer insurance only because they are required to by law at a certain size.
Health insurance is one of the leading employee benefits, but it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be.
If it seems like your employer is cutting corners on health insurance, you have options. One frustrating situation people can find themselves in is a lack of financial incentive for a spouse and dependents. This situation may lead to paying 100% of costs to cover family members, instead of the rate offered to the employee. That often amounts to a difference of thousands of dollars each year.
Whatever your reason for looking elsewhere, a local health insurance broker is your strongest advocate.
A health insurance broker is an independent insurance professional who is not affiliated with a specific insurer. Insurance brokers research all of the various health insurance options available in a given area, then connect local customers with the options that might meet their needs best.
Because health insurance brokers have no sales quota, they do not need to worry about steering their customers toward any one solution. Instead, the broker’s job is to consult with you and empower you with impartial, expert advice that you can use to make an informed decision.
You might wonder how a company like Choice Health Insurance Brokers can help you. It’s not enough to just have the information – we also have to apply it in a way that benefits customers! We have the skills and experience to do just that.
Let’s look at some of the common situations where Choice helps people like you:
1. Finding Alternative Coverage Options
First, Choice Health Insurance can help you if your employer coverage just isn’t good enough. You can opt to forego employer coverage and choose a different plan you find through Choice.
In situations like these, you have the opportunity to select coverage that meets your specific needs. At the same time, you may even be able to reduce the cost of covering a spouse or children.
While employers often make health insurance decisions based on cost, we know that you want to make a selection based on value. Here are some of the ways you might improve your coverage compared to what you have been offered at work:
- Better benefits
- Lower deductibles
- Better networks
2. Supplementing Employer Health Coverage
Your employer insurance coverage may offer you some features you find acceptable but fall short in other ways. In situations like this, Choice is on your side. We will help locate insurance “add-ons” like supplemental and ancillary insurance products that boost your coverage.
For example, say you’ve noticed your employer policy doesn’t have the level of prescription drug coverage you want. You can improve your overall coverage with a supplemental plan. These plans can also help if you have an accident, a surgery, or receive a serious diagnosis such as cancer.
3. More Affordable Health Insurance Coverage
Affordability is a key concern for everyone. Just because you are receiving coverage through an employer does not necessarily mean that the coverage is inexpensive. This is particularly noticeable when you want to cover other members of your family under the umbrella of your current coverage.
In situations where no financial incentive is offered to cover your family, Choice Health Insurance can help you explore options that will get them the coverage they need. All in all, Choice is successful in spotlighting more affordable health insurance options for the majority of customers in this situation.
You don’t need to give up on your employer coverage to enjoy everything Choice Health Insurance has to offer. Even if you decide you want to keep your employer’s health insurance, we can still put together a menu of options that will assist the rest of your family.
4. Providing Support All Year Around
Employer health insurance changes generally take place only once a year. If you have multiple options offered by the same employer, you might not be able to make changes until then. Likewise, if there is a pending change in the coverage offered, it usually rolls out at the start or end of the year.
If you have ever considered Affordable Care Act marketplace plans, you’ll notice that the system is very similar. You are limited in the kinds of changes you can make throughout most of the year. With Choice Health Insurance, you have the opportunity to pursue health insurance changes at any time you wish.
At any point during the year, you can reach out to us to learn about your options! No matter if you currently have employer insurance, Affordable Care Act insurance, or a short-term or catastrophic health insurance policy, you can switch if you discover a better option after consulting with our team.
Moving to Another Job? Always Compare and Contrast Your Health Insurance Options
When it comes time to consider a job offer, always take a close look at the employee benefits. If you find that you’ll end up paying more for health insurance, it may not be worth making the jump.
Whenever you notice something missing in your compensation or employee benefits package, you have the right to negotiate. For instance, your employer could offer you a higher wage or salary to offset the added health insurance costs. But once you sign on the dotted line, you are locked in.
Always exercise your right to take due time to consider an offer – and reach out to the experts.
All throughout Central Florida, Choice Health Insurance Brokers’ team of independent insurance professionals has helped locals like you find options. You don’t have to go through the process of comparing and selecting health insurance alone – you have a trusted guide right here in DeLand.
As long as you are living within our Central Florida coverage area, we can support you with all of your future health insurance, life insurance, and other needs. We interface with all kinds of organizations throughout Florida that offer health insurance. As a result, we can provide a complete view of all the available options that no one else can match, and that you’ll never get from an insurance agency.
Contact us today to find out more or get started with a discussion of your health insurance options.