Love it or hate it, the Affordable Care Act served as the biggest healthcare overhaul in the United States in decades. And it has met some of its goals: Protections for people with pre-existing conditions are stronger than ever, and more than 8 million people are enrolled in ACA health insurance for 2021. That number […]
To Harness The Millennial Workforce, Employee Benefits Innovations Focus On Wellness
Much has been said about “job-hopping Millennials” and how they “prefer” to work as freelancers. More young people than ever before are categorized as contractors. In 2018, that figure was about 47%. Future studies are almost sure to find the number has continued to increase. But it’s a mistake to assume this trend represents a […]
The Health Insurance Agenda Is Changing: What Business Owners Should Know
Over the last few years, the story of the Affordable Care Act – more popularly known as Obamacare – has had many twists and turns. After the failure of the 2017 “Skinny Repeal” bill, it seemed certain the ACA was here to stay. However, the Supreme Court is now hearing a case against it, initially […]
Helping Future Leaders Reach Their Full Potential With Employee Benefits
When two similar enterprises compete, the one with the most engaged employees emerges victorious. Yet, engagement is not a linear function of an employee’s take-home pay. Employee benefits experts have long known that the proper combination of benefits can make a tremendous impact on the workforce. The boost in engagement and morale often far exceeds […]
Looking For ACA Healthcare Alternatives? Beware Catastrophic Health Insurance
Health insurance continues to rank among the top concerns of people from all walks of life here in the United States. While it appears ACA health insurance rules may be upheld in the foreseeable future, there are still significant challenges around securing the right health insurance policy. Health insurance decisions can be difficult on a […]
Some Industry Leading Companies Are Boosting Employee Benefits For Working Parents
The events of 2020 have put remarkable strain on working parents. Women are in danger of losing their careers as they leave the workforce in unprecedented numbers to serve as caregivers. Kids need more attention in a time of remote learning. Older family members benefit from help, too. A long-term shift may be underway as […]
Supreme Court Signals Health Insurance Changes May Be More Limited Than Thought
Over the last few years, few things have weighed more heavily on employees than health insurance. While most people rely on employer-sponsored health insurance policies, a rough job market has left an increasing number of Americans without traditional health insurance in the midst of a public health crisis. Employers have also been thinking about health […]
What Are The Top Employee Benefits Around The World?
Employee benefits aren’t identical everywhere you go. In fact, there are many employee benefits you might never have heard of. What qualifies as a desirable benefit depends on several factors, including laws that affect employment conditions. In the United States, for example, paid parental leave can be a very attractive benefit. On the other hand, […]
One Strategy To Boost The Value Of Health Insurance In Your Employee Benefits
It’s no surprise health insurance continues to lead the way as the most important of employee benefits. Survey after survey shows it: A landmark survey by Fractl found that better health insurance, dental, and vision benefits were named by 54% of respondents as worth “heavy consideration” when making their employment decisions. 34% said they were […]
You Can Make Personnel Feel Valued Without Spending A Fortune On Employee Benefits
If you’re like most small business owners, you’ve been thinking more about employee benefits. Most attention goes to medical benefits – and rightly so, considering health insurance consistently ranks #1 when it comes to the most desirable benefits. It’s the first thing most employees look at when comparing their options. However, the nature of employee […]