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Looking for Better Health Insurance For Your Small Business? How A Broker Can Offer More Options

Looking for Better Health Insurance For Your Small Business? How A Broker Can Offer More Options Looking for Better Health Insurance For Your Small Business? How A Broker Can Offer More Options

The requirement to have group health insurance for your small business is a major rite of passage for Central Florida entrepreneurs. Health insurance is on everyone’s minds these days, and rolling out your plan helps to make you an employer of choice. But choosing the right health insurance is no small matter. You will need […]

Why Is My Health Insurance So Expensive?

Why Is My Health Insurance So Expensive? Why Is My Health Insurance So Expensive?

The cost of personal health insurance is a major concern for people in Central Florida. Health insurance costs seem to go up every year, yet it is often hard to know exactly what you are getting for the money. Likewise, the cost of prescription drugs continues to rise. Inflation has led to some of the […]

How Do Prescription Discount Cards Work?

How Do Prescription Discount Cards Work? How Do Prescription Discount Cards Work?

Here in DeLand and throughout Central Florida, the cost of prescription drugs is a major concern for many people. No matter your age or health, most prescription drug users have seen increasing costs. Over the last few years, gains have been particularly sharp. Research shows prescription drug prices rose about 5.8% in the first days […]

What Is A Health Insurance Broker And How Can They Help Me Shop For Insurance?

What Is A Health Insurance Broker And How Can They Help Me Shop For Insurance? What Is A Health Insurance Broker And How Can They Help Me Shop For Insurance?

Let’s face it: Whether it’s personal health insurance or group health insurance, the whole process of buying insurance can be pretty confusing. Sometimes, you might find you have few options. Other times, it seems like you have plenty to choose from, but it’s hard to tell which ones will be right for you. Health insurance […]

How Can Choice Provide Me With Options If My Employer’s Benefits Don’t Fit My Needs?

How Can Choice Provide Me With Options If My Employer’s Benefits Don’t Fit My Needs? How Can Choice Provide Me With Options If My Employer's Benefits Don't Fit My Needs?

Ever wondered how many people have group health insurance sponsored by an employer? Around 49% of Americans fall into this category, according to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The U.S. state with the highest number of people covered by employer health insurance is California, at about 47% of the population. Not far behind is […]

What Coverages Are Typically Included In A Dental and Vision Insurance Plan?

What Coverages Are Typically Included In A Dental and Vision Insurance Plan? What Coverages Are Typically Included In A Dental and Vision Insurance Plan?

Dental and vision insurance is almost always considered separate from standard “health insurance.” That’s true even if you have an employer-supplied health insurance plan. In some cases, you can even opt-out of your dental and vision insurance to save money. The separation between dental, vision, and “all the rest” can be very confusing. After all, there […]

As An Employer, Do I Have to Wait For Annual Renewal to Make A Change In Health Insurance Providers?

As An Employer, Do I Have to Wait For Annual Renewal to Make A Change In Health Insurance Providers? As An Employer, Do I Have to Wait For Annual Renewal to Make A Change In Health Insurance Providers?

Many people in Florida and around the United States believe they must wait for a specific period of time each year to change their health insurance plan. They are usually thinking of the Affordable Care Act insurance marketplace, which holds open enrollment anywhere from 30 to 90 days falling mainly in November and December. As […]

Can Freelancers Get Health Insurance Coverage For Themselves and Their Families?

Can Freelancers Get Health Insurance Coverage For Themselves and Their Families? Can Freelancers Get Health Insurance Coverage For Themselves and Their Families?

Traditionally, freelancers have had a lot of difficulty getting health insurance. Here in the United States, the vast majority of health insurance coverage is associated with an employer. Employers use their size and scope as extra buying leverage, allowing them to qualify for insurance an individual would be unable to buy alone. For freelancers, this […]

Shopping Health Insurance Direct vs Working With A Local Broker: Pros and Cons

Shopping Health Insurance Direct vs Working With A Local Broker: Pros and Cons Shopping Health Insurance Direct vs Working With A Local Broker: Pros and Cons

Every year, people throughout Central Florida update their health insurance to meet their needs. Many people do this during Open Enrollment. Others have the opportunity to look at new health insurance options because of changes at their workplace or elsewhere in life. Whatever the case, this can be a confusing and time-consuming process. From the […]

How Do I Add Dental and Vision to my Family’s Health Insurance Plan?

How Do I Add Dental and Vision to my Family’s Health Insurance Plan? How Do I Add Dental and Vision to my Family's Health Insurance Plan?

Dental and vision insurance can be very useful at any age! Some people have worn glasses all their lives. They know that they will need to see an eye doctor at least once a year. By going to the eye doctor, they will be more likely to maintain their eyesight and enjoy the benefits of […]